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well done... as i see , something like that will be useful to learn more about the language.. so it´s nice seeing people talking , writing and doing whatever the hell are you doing in english..
Now.. Sofi Kannst du sprache Deutsch?? Ich bin Cloud..
Well was made for that. Duolingo is a web platform created by the Guatemalan Luis Von Ahn in the United States for free language learning and English level certification. But i Will stay with the German..
Yeah! I learn very much with Duo, that bird lovet to harass me by email.
But I lose my space and uninstall it. So I betrayed him with the Telegram translator.
This is my beautiful love story with Duo
I used to love Duolingo when I started learning English. It was fun and easy to use. However, since the arrival of AI language models, I have been improving my English in a different way. I find it more effective to use a language model to generate texts and practice my writing skills. I also think that having a real conversation is better than using the app, but that’s just my opinion
I don't like it. I've been using it to learn Russian every day for over two weeks now, and there's barely any explanation on grammar, when to use specific words and whatnot. I've never learnt any language (just English) taking actual classes and maybe it's like that all the time. Don't get me wrong, I do find it useful, but not enough to be semi fluent even, falls flat on many aspects, IMO.
I used Duolingo a while ago and it went well for me. I have done a day out of curiosity I approached the Arabic language. The application It is recommended to start
I use Duolingo sporadically. Wow, it's like he's a watered down student. Despite the fact that if I set my mind to it I can be quite a scholar in languages. But I'm like Peter Parker aka Spider-Man, very bright but very lazy.

I don't remember what level I'm at in the English course, but I'm already in the part of conjugating verbs and adjectives and especially the past and present, which is something that drives me crazy.

At any time I return to the reviews.

Note: Ma prochaine langue à étudier sera le français, mes amours. Je suppose que je vais visiter ce pays, donc je dois m'entraîner pour quand ce sera mon tour de donner le "baiser français". À bientôt.