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YaGaMi LigTh
* I do not regret my passing I regret the lost kon jente tuempo ekibokada.
* Love need not be perfect only it needs to be true.
* We were born to make mistakes not to pretend to be perctas people.
* When someone is all the distance is nothing.
* I am exactamnte k nobody is buskndo.
* No more kieres kambie ke in life so ke most want at the moment, the moment passed and pork life goes on.
*know it was the worst I do not fight for me, sinplemente dejor me go like anyone even though he said it was how he loved most in his life
****si ben algo similar a esto ya saben ke hay estan mis pensamiento ****
para los interesados puden contartarme a [email protected]
Fecha de nacimiento
6 Marzo 1994
(Edad: 30)
Todo el vacio de mi vida lo lleno tu sonRisa por kq tu uniko defecto es no despertar ami lado