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Awaken (Intro League of Legends)
Valerie Broussard, Ray Chen, ...

The night beckons while you dream
A life never lives in peace
As you stand upon the edge
Woven by a single thread
And fate may fall down upon you
While the devil is knocking
Right at your door

So all you restless
Each night you hear the drums of war
Awaken, awaken
The voice begins to call you while you hunger
A taste of destiny you're searching for
Awaken, awaken
The fight is at your door, take up the cause

Awaken, awaken, awaken, awaken, awaken, awaken

As you stand upon the edge
Hanging in the balance
And fate may fall down upon you
While the devil is knocking

So all you restless
Each night you hear the drums of war
Awaken, awaken
The voice begins to call you while you hunger
A taste of destiny you're searching for
Awaken, awaken, awaken
Fecha de nacimiento
10 Octubre 1987 (Edad: 37)
Sitio web


[size=large]When fire fade the shadows twist and shrivel but in the abyss there are shadows none. Fear not the dark my friend and let the feast begins!![/size]